Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What Interstest You About Mediterranean Food?

I would like to know what interest people about mediterranean food? and when was the first time you ever had Hummus? Did You like it? or did You learn to like it?


Anonymous said...

Growing up near Dearborn, Mi...there have been a lot of mediterranean/Middle Eastern restaurants popping up. So one day for lunch, I stopped in a small Middle Eastern eatery in the area and the owner suggested a Shawarma, some pita with Hummus, and a Fatoush Salad. WOW! I was hooked. I've tried everything on the menu since and go there once a week for lunch. Now, I got all my co-workers hooked!
P.S. Thanks for the garlic sauce video (finally! :) That stuff is addicting!
Thank you--Nick

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment Nick. I am from Dearborn too! I grew up there but now I live in California. That is my point exactly, many Middle Eastern restaurants are popping up everywhere and I want interested people to learn how to make them at home the right way. Good luck!

Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...

Hi Dede! My name is Aalia and I have a blog is seen by people all over the world (praise be to God). I also have a cooking blog attached to my "Life With Aalia" and I was wondering if I could feature your cooking blog in an upcoming post?

BTW what got me on Mediteranean food was this Lebanese food place in my small town of Hicksville and I tried my first bowl of hummous. At first, I wasn't too fond of it but each time I had it, I wanted to try more foods from that region. Then I discovered shawarma, tabouleh, GARLIC SAUCE (ahhhhh my tongue still waters even tho its been almost 3 years eating it) and now one of my fave restaurants is a Mediterranean place in a bigger city.

Pls let me know via comment post so that I have your permission to write about you.

Thanks alot, Dede! Luv your work:-D

